Tyler Gillen


Tyler Gillen

Tyler has found, besides being born with an imagination and creative spirit, that there are relentless forces that drive him to see differently. It is his curiosity that inspires his spiritual exploration. Tyler is a mystic, visionary, alchemist, musician and sometimes a poet. 

 For the past 25 years, he has been working with the medicine ways of the North and the South and integrating these ways into his life and land in the green mountains of Vermont.  He works with plants by crafting incense, and creating mandala fire altars for the offering in ceremonies. By working with plants he has discovered his connection to Jaguar medicine and how it weaves and travels with the sacred fire.

 All of his life’s training and experience coalesced with taking the Eagle Condor Intensive in 2023 where Tyler has been able to see more clearly into the vision of mystery. For many years he has worked with fire through leading sweat lodges and seasonal ceremony, but since beginning the Intensive, Tyler has led monthly New Moon ceremony to work with this powerful fire element to culitvate a space for inviting the new ways and mysteries that are upon us.