
online COURSES

Facilitated by Lisa Wiggins, Jeff Firewalker and other ECC Teachers - coming in Autumn 2021, stay tuned



Learn the ancient art of engaging with nature in a way that inspires a happier and healthier life in this interactive online course series. During seven on-line sessions, participants are guided through ancient wisdom teachings that encourage connection, harmony, and peace. These practical teachings include: creating sacred spaces, honoring earth medicines, techniques for releasing burdens and sorrows, and cultivating a joyful existence. The theories and practices taught in these courses are relevant to anyone of any background and spiritual tradition and are especially pertinent to navigating these tumultuous times.

1. Nature wisdom for modern times

In this 2-hour introductory course, participants will learn the concept of nature mysticism and discuss how nature has inspired their own lives. We will explore how humans have become separated from nature and the consequences of that separation. The Q’ero from the Cusco region of Peru will be introduced as inspirational nature mystics whose beliefs and practices are relevant to modern times.  This introductory session is a prerequisite to the rest of the program. All courses will be recorded so participants can engage in an interactive online session and/or watch the recording at their own convenience. 

You can register for access to this pre-recorded introductory course at the Eventbrite link pasted below.

2. Honoring harmony within nature

Everything in life exists on a continuum: day and night, male and female, and sun and moon are just a few examples. By learning to appreciate all aspects of nature we can more readily appreciate the experiences of everyday life. A primary focus of this course is to explore negative reactions to certain thoughts and feelings and how transforming those reactions can help navigate difficult times.   

3. Dancing with ritual and altar craft

Ritual has been part of life since the dawn of humankind. We engage in rituals to honor cultural heritage and traditions and to connect with our communities and spirit guides. In this course, participants will learn how to create sacred space to conduct rituals that have meaning for themselves and their families.

4. Relating to the interwoven web of life

The humdrum of modern life can seem daunting at times. How do your everyday activities support your emotional, physical, and spiritual goals? Do you love intently? Serve unconditionally? Utilize your wisdom to encourage the growth of self and others? How can you integrate the teachings of the Q’ero to create a more authentic and connected way of being in the world?

5. Releasing the sorrows of the earth

Sorrow is just as important part of life as joy. In this course, we will learn how to befriend sorrow and struggle so we can release them with gratitude and appreciation. We will also learn the importance of shadow-work on the spiritual path.

6. Drinking the nectar of the universe 

The universe is filled with never-ending opportunities for unencumbered happiness. In this course, participants will learn how to connect with the light of the universe to fortify their internal and external environments. Participants will also learn how to detect and fortify their own energy field.

7. Embodying the qualities of a paqo

A Paqo is not a mysterious medicine person relevant only in ancient times. A Paqo is someone who embodies the qualities of joy, humility, forgiveness, connection, harmony, and peace. In this final course, participants will review how to embody the qualities of a paqo and maintain energetic accountability. 


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