
About ECC

We are an Educational Nonprofit Charity (501c3). Our aspiration is to help people discover their authentic selves, to discover their innate wisdom, purpose and healing capacity. ECC supports authentic community, sacred healing traditions and earth-centered spirituality. We do this thru educational programming, retreats and pilgrimage. ECC also supports a wide community of spiritual, earth-honoring and healing practitioners. We endeavor to be a living demonstration of the power of diverse people coming together in the spirit of solidarity, collaboration and healing. Anchored in the cosmology and teachings of Peru and the Andes we build community and support diverse spiritual traditions through workshops, events, retreats and pilgrimage.

The EC Council operates on the principles of self-organization, we are not hierarchical but rather seek to support collaboration that leads to meaningful programming and service.


We are also committed to the highest level of integrity. With regard to the native/indigenous traditions we carry, our covenant is to only teach, practice and share those things we have been given explicit permission and blessing to teach, share and practice.


Jeff Schmitt, PhD Founder

Lisa Wiggins, PhD
Online Education Director



Doreen Morici, MSW, LCSW, RYT

Doreen Morici, MSW, LCSW, RYT

Danielle Miller

Danielle Miller

Jenny “Nira” Stulck

Jenny “Nira” Stulck

Charles Elmer

Charles Elmer

Meagen Mealer

Meagen Mealer

Chris Parks (UK)

Chris Parks (UK)

Jimena Paratcha (UK)

Jimena Paratcha (UK)



Bill Barry (Bharata)


Helena Norberg-Hodge

don Victor Chura Quispe


Collaborators Present and Past

Ellen Kittredge, Co-Founder

Ed Mayer & Susan Brown - Operations Staff

Ed Mayer & Susan Brown - Operations Staff

Chuck and Ashley Wile

Chuck and Ashley Wile

Prajna Ginty

Prajna Ginty

Lama Karma

Lama Karma

Jennifer Worthen, LPC, MT-BC, FAMI

Jennifer Worthen, LPC, MT-BC, FAMI

Lea Motlow - Peru Travel Director & Founder Golden Threads

River Guerguerian

River Guerguerian

Caroline Padgett

Caroline Padgett

Jimena Paratcha - Youth Education & UK Programming

Jimena Paratcha - Youth Education & UK Programming

Jon Rousseau

Jon Rousseau

Seren Petrichor

Seren Petrichor

Alex Villegas - Web Design & Branding

Alex Villegas - Web Design & Branding

Desiree Saltkill

Desiree Saltkill - Web Design & Branding

Sheila Guarnagia - ECC teachers

Noah Enos -Waterkeeper, NE

Tyler Gillen -Firekeeper, NE

Callan Welder - ECC Teachers

We wish to give humble thanks to all who contributed in the past: Matt Kabat, Heather Kabat, Mary-Nell Schmidt, Barbara Deguses, Raphaela and Chandler Fritz, Elizabeth Jenkins and many others.


Sierra McFeeters - Chairperson

Linda Schaming, Founder

Lea Motlow

Lea Motlow

Sandy Berkshire

Sandy Brookshire

Angele Tremblay

Angele Tremblay

Eileen Gert, LMT

Eileen Gert, LMT

Sheila Guarnagia

Yaron Carmel

Ed &Sue

Barbara Deguzis

Teresa and Charles Baltzell


Named in commemoration of Elder and Beloved Woman Grandmother Redleaf. Redleaf refers to leaves fallen from the elder tree that nourish new life.

Board of Directors

Danielle Miller

Danielle Miller

Lea Motlow

Jeff Firewalker Schmitt

Jeff Firewalker Schmitt

Susan Brown and Ed Mayer

J Morris Buchanan

Clark Harris




Social and Environmental Equity Programs

The Eagle Condor Council strives to walk in sacred reciprocity (ayni) and right relations. We recognize what a  great privilege it is to practice and share the traditions and practices sanctioned to us by our teachers. We also acknowledge the ills and suffering caused by colonization and cultural appropriation. Our commitment is to help our teachers and their communities become more resilient so that their traditions and teachings are not lost. Golden Threads, is a living example of this commitment. 

As an organization, we seek to walk in right relationship with Pachamama, the living earth. As such, we recognize that as part of the industrial world we create harmful greenhouse gasses as a consequence of our work and travel. We have partnered with COTAP.org (Carbon Offsets to Alleviate Poverty) to help ​​​​​​​ensure that we are doing as little damage as possible to the earth’s ecosystems.
