Teresa and Charles Baltzell


teresa and charles baltzell

Teresa and Charles Baltzell are neuro acupuncturists. They combine modern neuroscience with ancient acupuncture to help others heal chronic conditions, cultivate resilience and restore integrity to the field. And are founding members of Academy Health Wellbeing an online education, and alternative concierge practice.

They find their place in the natural world and the natural world within their body, grow much of their food in a year-round organic garden, and serve life and light from their simple home in the NC mountains. Charles healed his physical and emotional heart during Eagle Condor Council. While in the Andes, Apu Veronica guided Teresa in releasing a hidden influence within her heart.

Teresa - 864 546 8406 - Teresa@AcademyHealthWellbeing.com

Charles - 864 438 1566 - Charles@AcademyHealthWellbeing.com