Sierra McFeeters


Sierra Mcfeeters

Sierra Dawn McFeeter’s journey in the healing arts began in 1984, spanning from a home birth midwifery practice to traditional shamanic techniques and energy medicine. Her transformative encounter with a moose on Stannard Mountain marked the beginning of her shamanic path.

As she ventured deeper into her spiritual quest, Sierra was initiated into the Northeast Woodland Midewin Lodge for 7 years and traveled to Peru to work with indigenous medicine people including Paq’o, Mary Ann Eddowes. She was initiated as a pipe carrier by Carolyn Clapper ( Lightning ), and shares these sacred teachings with local Abenaki.
She founded  Indigenous Roots Institute in 2003, offering Reiki Certification for all levels and a two-year Shamanic Apprenticeship Program. In 2023 she began her training with Jeff Firewalker of the Eagle/ Condor Council and is co-chairwoman of their Red Leaf Elder’s Council.

Sierra offers a death lodge for those navigating literal or metaphorical death, elemental immersion retreats, vision quests and ceremonial circles for those with a desire to be guided by the plant nation. All on acknowledged Abenaki land, that is stewarded by sacred reciprocity, respect and deep reverence.

I am here to listen, to build bridges across differences, to sing sweetly and loudly, the soul back into the bones of the inner most landscapes. In this, remembering of who we are, we understand that we are all connected, and belong to each other, accepting and acting from this responsibility. So we may lead our world back into balance, health and most importantly, Love.