Experiential Esoteric Psychology
with Jeff Firewalker
Esoteric Psychology (EP) is a comprehensive collection of teachings given by The Tibetan, Djwal Khul (Master DK) transmitted through Alice Baily and documented in her seven volume series A Treatise on the Seven Rays as well as other works. EP is one of the most comprehensive systems seeking to describe the underlying structure and laws of the universe and consciousness. For those who have studied the Vedic/Yogic, Taoist Inner Alchemy and Andean Nature Mystic paths, we will be providing teachings that provide information about commonalities in these systems.
Format: Zoom, Thursday evenings 7-8PM, classes will be recorded for later access.
This program will cover the following topics:
History and context of EP
Alice Baily and Master Djwal Khul
The ten propositions of EP
The 7-Rays
Personality, personhood and energetic constitution
The law of sevens
The realms of consciousness
Reincarnation and soul purpose
The 3 forms of fire
The esoteric subjective laws
Cosmic Intelligence
Initiation human and solar
Structure of the Cosmos
Relationship of EP to other inner teachings
Esoteric Psychology and healing
Christ and Buddha consciousness
Context and useful insights for 2021 forward
Fohat and manifestation
Overview of the Treatise on Cosmic Fire
Nature of the soul
The Devic kingdom
Hierarchy and the Great Plan
The potencies, sephiroth and causes of initiation
Session 1 March 18
Session 2 March 25
Session 3 April 1
Session 4 April 8
Session 5 April 15
Session 6 April 22
To register, contact Jeff Firewalker: jeff@eaglecondorcouncil.org
6 week program = $90
Participants in the 2020 program can retake this for half price.