Lisa Wiggins, PhD – celebrates the divine light that exists in everything by honoring natural rhythms and earth medicines. She is an ordained minister and shamanic practitioner with over 15 years experience facilitating discussion groups, formal classes, group meditations, seasonal rituals, and shamanic journeys. She has studied with prominent shamanic teachers, such as those affiliated with the Eagle Condor Council, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, and Harner Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Lisa is a third degree Priestess of one of the largest covens in the southeast. She is both inspired by and dedicated to the ancient Andean practices transmitted through the Eagle Condor programs.

Lisa is trained as a developmental psychologist and maintains a demanding research position in a prominent agency. She uses her extensive training in shamanic and pagan studies to discover ways to incorporate nature-based spiritualities into modern career and lifestyle choices. She is an empath and intuitive who believes that all life experiences are opportunities for growth and learning.

 Lisa works with clients and students by integrating intuitive abilities, personal experience, and spiritual training to help others move from a place of fear and stagnation to a place of love, gratitude, respect, and awareness. She serves her community by offering individual and group sessions geared toward healing and expanding, and awakening compassionate inner wisdom.


If you feel called to reconnect with yourself, your community, and the Earth, we welcome you to join us on this journey. Together, we can embody the ancient wisdom that the world needs now more than ever.

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