
Chuck and Ashley Wile

Chuck and Ashley Wile co-facilitate Holotropic Breathwork. For over 15 years they have hosted Breathwork experiences in their home on an every-other-month basis. Holotropic Breathwork is a healing technique and a journey of self-discovery that was developed by Stan Grof. It provides an opportunity for people to encounter their inner healing mechanism within a safe, respectful and supportive container.

The Wiles have additionally completed a 4-year Mystery School, graduating as “Guardians”. This additional training complements their skills at helping people to achieve their highest potential. They have been Mentors with the Center for Sacred Studies and have been ordained as Ministers of Walking Prayer.

Ashley offers spiritual counseling with her training in ThetaHealing. Also, she is a skilled facilitator with Soul Collage. Chuck is a graduate of the Eagle-Condor program. Also, he is a semi-retired Family Practice physician with over forty years practicing medicine.