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charles Elmer

Charles Elmer is a wilderness guide, a massage therapist and an enthusiast of wisdom traditions.   Charles has been working in the wilderness therapy field for 10 years.  He teaches teenagers communication and emotional awareness skills.   Recently he has been working closely with families helping them transition from a wilderness therapy program, Blue Ridge Therapeutic Wilderness, to home living or aftercare programs.  Much of Charles’s work involves supporting students, designing ceremonies with their families, and supporting families in using communication tools for slower and more specific communication.   Much of the work in wilderness is being present to oneself and observing the cycles of nature, paying attention to how all things are part of nature.  

“How do I describe my work, I’d say its listening to nature in a deep and authentic way, then taking the necessary steps to find balance in relationship to all things” Charles Elmer

Listening to the stories and the guidance from Indigenous elders is part of the work that Charles has taken on as a student in this life.  He has studied myths and practices that help people stay in balance.  Many cultures have effective systems for dealing with mental health and out of balance behaviors.  Charles also practices massage therapy.  He does a clothed, floor style Thai Shiatsu 5 element energy clearing session. Acupressure, stretching and Reiki are common in his sessions. He also uses tools from his mesa to help with the massage as well as sound tools, chimes bells, drums and gongs.  Bodywork has become a great way that Charles is able to practice his skill set.